Nutzen Sie unser zeitlich begrenztes Angebot, um Bremssattelzeichnungen zu erhalten.
Nachfolgend finden Sie unsere zeitlich begrenzten Preise
CAD-Bremssattelzeichnungen helfen Ihnen, das Raddesign zu überprüfen und zu bestimmen, wie Räder geändert werden können, um den Bremssattelspielraum für den Einbau in ein bestimmtes Fahrzeug zu berücksichtigen. Neue Bremssattelzeichnungen sind jetzt verfügbar. Um diese oder eine vollständige Liste unserer Bremssattelzeichnungen anzufordern, antworten Sie auf diese E-Mail oder klicken Sie auf die untenstehenden Links, um eine Anfrage über unsere Website zu stellen.
Unsere hochpräzisen 3D-Bremssattelzeichnungen sind jetzt verfügbar. Diese detaillierten Scans vermitteln Ihnen ein genaues Verständnis aller erforderlichen Modifikationen, um die Marktattraktivität Ihrer Felge zu maximieren, wenn Sie Ihre Felgenzeichnungen über den 3D-Bremssattelscan legen.
Wenn der von Ihnen gewählte Bremssattel nicht verfügbar ist, führen wir eine Liste alternativer Fahrzeuge, die für unseren Bremssattelüberzugsservice verfügbar sind. Um die Felgenmontage an einem Fahrzeug zu überprüfen, kann Ihre Felgenzeichnung mit diesen alternativen Bremssattelprofilen überlagert werden, um die Felgenmontage zu zeigen. Sollte die Felge nicht passen, können wir die notwendigen Änderungen analysieren und beraten. Anschließend können Sie die notwendigen Anpassungen vornehmen, um die Felgenpassung sicherzustellen, die Marktfähigkeit zu erhöhen und Retouren zu minimieren, bevor die Produktion beginnt.
Wir bieten einen zeitlich begrenzten Rabatt auf unsere Bremssattel-Zeichnungspakete an. Bitte verwenden Sie den Code
BFCALDIS2023, um Ihre ermäßigten Preise zu erhalten. Bitte beachten Sie unsere Rabattpreise weiter unten:
USA | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | $210.00 | $210.00 | 15% off | $178.50 | $31.50 |
CAL-PY (Previous Year) | Single Request | $195.00 | $195.00 | 15% off | $165.75 | $29.25 |
CAL-01 | 5 PCS | $180.00 | $900.00 | 15% off | $765.00 | $135.00 |
CAL-02 | 10 PCS | $175.00 | $1750.00 | 15% off | $1487.50 | $262.50 |
CAL-03 | 15 PCS | $168.33 | $2525.00 | 15% off | $2146.25 | $378.75 |
CAL-04 | 25 PCS | $160.60 | $4015.00 | 15% off | $3142.75 | £602.25 |
CAL-05 | 50 PCS | $148.50 | $7425.00 | 15% off | $6311.25 | $1113.75 |
UK | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | £145.00 | £145.00 | 15% off | £123.25 | £21.75 |
CAL-PY (Previous Year) | Single Request | £135.00 | £135.00 | 15% off | £114.75 | £20.25 |
CAL-01 | 5 PCS | £121.00 | £605.00 | 15% off | £514.25 | £90.75 |
CAL-02 | 10 PCS | £115.50 | £1155.00 | 15% off | £981.75 | £173.25 |
CAL-03 | 15 PCS | £112.00 | £1680.00 | 15% off | £1428.00 | £252.00 |
CAL-04 | 25 PCS | £110.00 | £2750.00 | 15% off | £2337.50 | £412.50 |
CAL-05 | 50 PCS | £101.00 | £5050.00 | 15% off | £4292.50 | £757.50 |
EUROPE | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | €170.00 | €170.00 | 15% off | €145.50 | €25.50 |
CAL-PY (Previous Year) | Single Request | €160.00 | €160.00 | 15% off | €136.00 | €24.00 |
CAL-01 | 5 PCS | €145.00 | €725.00 | 15% off | €616.25 | €108.75 |
CAL-02 | 10 PCS | €140.00 | €1400.00 | 15% off | €1190.00 | €210.00 |
CAL-03 | 15 PCS | €137.00 | €2055.00 | 15% off | €1746.75 | €308.25 |
CAL-04 | 25 PCS | €133.00 | €3325.00 | 15% off | £2826.25 | €498.75 |
CAL-05 | 50 PCS | €127.00 | €6350.00 | 15% off | €5397.50 | €952.50 |
Other currencies are available with the same discount percentages, please contact us to discuss your requirements by clicking on the button below:
NEW ZEALAND | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | $280.00 NZ | $280.00 NZ | 15% off | $238.00 NZ | $42.00 NZ |
CAL-PY (Previous Year) | Single Request | $260.00 NZ | $260.00 NZ | 15% off | $221.00 NZ | $39.00 NZ |
CAL-01 | 5 PCS | $245.00 NZ | $1225.00 NZ | 15% off | $1041.25 NZ | $183.75 NZ |
CAL-02 | 10 PCS | $230.00 NZ | $2300.00 NZ | 15% off | $1995.00 NZ | $345.00 NZ |
CAL-03 | 15 PCS | $227.00 NZ | $3405.00 NZ | 15% off | $2894.25 NZ | $510.75 NZ |
CAL-04 | 25 PCS | $225.00 NZ | $5625.00 NZ | 15% off | $4781.25 NZ | $843.75 NZ |
CAL-05 | 50 PCS | $213.50 NZ | $10625.00 | 15% off | $9073.75 NZ | $1601.25 NZ |
AUSTRALIA | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | $250.00 AUS | $250.00 AUS | 15% off | $212.50 AUS | $37.50 AUS |
CAL-PY (Previous Year) | Single Request | $237.50 AUS | $237.50 AUS | 15% off | $201.88 AUS | $35.63 AUS |
CAL-01 | 5 PCS | $215.00 AUS | $1075.00 AUS | 15% off | $913.75 AUS | $161.25 AUS |
CAL-02 | 10 PCS | $207.50 AUS | $2075.00 AUS | 15% off | $176.75 AUS | $311.25 AUS |
CAL-03 | 15 PCS | $205.00 AUS | $3075.00 AUS | 15% off | $2613.75 AUS | $461.25 AUS |
CAL-04 | 25 PCS | $202.00 AUS | $5050.00 AUS | 15% off | $4292.50 AUS | $757.50 AUS |
CAL-05 | 50 PCS | $191.00 AUS | $9550.00 AUS | 15% off | $8,117.50 AUS | $1432.50 AUS |
Bitte verwenden Sie den Code
BFCALDIS23, um von den folgenden ermäßigten Preisen zu profitieren:
USA | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL3D-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | $230.00 | $250.00 | 15% off | $212.50 | $37.50 |
CAL3D-05 | 5 PCS | $214.00 | $1070.00 | 15% off | $909.50 | $160.50 |
CAL3D-10 | 10 PCS | $208.00 | $2080.00 | 15% off | $1768.00 | $312.00 |
CAL3D-15 | 15 PCS | $200.00 | $3000.00 | 15% off | $2550.00 | $450.00 |
CAL3D-25 | 25 PCS | $191.00 | $4775.00 | 15% off | $4058.75 | $716.25 |
CAL3D-50 | 50 PCS | $177.00 | $8850.00 | 15% off | $7522.50 | £1327.50 |
UK | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL3D-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | £185.00 | £185.00 | 15% off | £157.25 | £27.75 |
CAL3D-05 | 5 PCS | £159.00 | £795.00 | 15% off | £675.75 | £119.25 |
CAL3D-10 | 10 PCS | £154.00 | £1540.00 | 15% off | £1309.25 | £231.00 |
CAL3D-15 | 15 PCS | £147.00 | £2205.00 | 15% off | £1874.25 | £330.75 |
CAL3D-25 | 25 PCS | £140.00 | £3500.00 | 15% off | £2975.00 | £525.00 |
CAL3D-50 | 50 PCS | £129.00 | £6450.00 | 15% off | £5482.50 | £967.50 |
EUROPE | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL3D-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | €210.00 | €210.00 | 15% off | €178.50 | €31.50 |
CAL3D-05 | 5 PCS | €180.60 | €903.00 | 15% off | €767.55 | €135.45 |
CAL3D-10 | 10 PCS | €175.24 | €1752.00 | 15% off | €1489.54 | €262.46 |
CAL3D-15 | 15 PCS | €167.28 | €2509.00 | 15% off | €2132.82 | €376.18 |
CAL3D-25 | 25 PCS | €159.31 | €3982.00 | 15% off | €3385.34 | €596.66 |
CAL3D-50 | 50 PCS | €146.28 | €7314.00 | 15% off | £6216.90 | €1097.10 |
NEW ZEALAND | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL3D-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | $320.00 NZ | $320.00 NZ | 15% off | $272.00 NZ | $48.00 NZ |
CAL3D-05 | 5 PCS | $275.20 NZ | $1376.00 NZ | 15% off | $1169.60 NZ | $206.40 NZ |
CAL3D-10 | 10 PCS | $267.03 NZ | $2670.00 NZ | 15% off | $2269.76 NZ | $400.25 NZ |
CAL3D-15 | 15 PCS | $254.90 NZ | $3823.00 NZ | 15% off | $3249.98 NZ | $573.03 NZ |
CAL3D-25 | 25 PCS | $242.76 NZ | $6069.00 NZ | 15% off | $5158.65 NZ | $910.35 NZ |
CAL3D-50 | 50 PCS | $222.90 NZ | $11145.00 NZ | 15% off | $9473.25 NZ | $1671.75 NZ |
AUSTRALIA | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL3D-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | $290.00 AUS | $290.00 AUS | 15% off | $246.50 AUS | $43.50 AUS |
CAL3D-05 | 5 PCS | $249.40 AUS | $1247.00 AUS | 15% off | $1059.95 AUS | $187.05 AUS |
CAL3D-10 | 10 PCS | $242.00 AUS | $2420.00 AUS | 15% off | $2057.00 AUS | $363.00 AUS |
CAL3D-15 | 15 PCS | $231.00 AUS | $3465.00 AUS | 15% off | $2945.25 AUS | $519.75 AUS |
CAL3D-25 | 25 PCS | $220.00 AUS | $5500.00 AUS | 15% off | $4675.00 AUS | $825.00 AUS |
CAL3D-50 | 50 PCS | $202.00 AUS | $10100.00 AUS | 15% off | $8585.00 AUS | $1515.00 AUS |
Bitte verwenden Sie den Code
BFCALDIS23, um von den folgenden ermäßigten Preisen zu profitieren:
USA | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
OLAY-00 | Single Request | $195.00 | $195.50 | 15% off | $165.75 | $29.25 |
OLAY-01 | 5 PCS | $180.00 | $900.00 | 15% off | $765.00 | $135.00 |
OLAY-02 | 10 PCS | $175.00 | $1750.00 | 15% off | $1487.50 | $262.50 |
OLAY-03 | 15 PCS | $168.33 | $2524.95 | 15% off | $2146.21 | $378.74 |
OLAY-04 | 25 PCS | $160.60 | $4015.00 | 15% off | $3412.75 | $602.25 |
OLAY-05 | 50 PCS | $148.50 | $7425.00 | 15% off | $6311.25 | £1113.75 |
UK | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
OLAY-00 | Single Request | £135.00 | £135.00 | 15% off | £114.75 | £20.25 |
OLAY-01 | 5 PCS | £12100 | £605.00 | 15% off | £514.25 | £90.75 |
OLAY-02 | 10 PCS | £115.50 | £1155.00 | 15% off | £981.75 | £173.25 |
OLAY-04 | 25 PCS | £110.00 | £2750.00 | 15% off | £2337.50 | £412.50 |
OLAY-05 | 50 PCS | £101.00 | £5050.00 | 15% off | £4292.50 | £757.50 |
EUROPE | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
OLAY-00 | Single Request | €160.00 | €160.00 | 15% off | €136.00 | €24.00 |
OLAY-01 | 5 PCS | €145.00 | €725.00 | 15% off | €616.25 | €108.75 |
OLAY-02 | 10 PCS | €140.00 | €1400.00 | 15% off | €1190.00 | €210.00 |
OLAY-04 | 25 PCS | €133.00 | €3325.00 | 15% off | €2826.25 | €498.75 |
CAL-05 | 50 PCS | €127.00 | €6350.00 | 15% off | €5397.50 | €952.50 |
NEW ZEALAND | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
OLAY-00 | Single Request | $260.00 NZ | $260.00 NZ | 15% off | $221.00 NZ | $39.00 NZ |
OLAY-01 | 5 PCS | $245.00 NZ | $1225.00 NZ | 15% off | $1041.25 NZ | $183.75 NZ |
OLAY-02 | 10 PCS | $230.00 NZ | $2300.00 NZ | 15% off | $1995.00 NZ | $345.00 NZ |
OLAY-04 | 25 PCS | $225.00 NZ | $5625.00 NZ | 15% off | $4781.25 NZ | $843.75 NZ |
OLAY-05 | 50 PCS | $213.50 NZ | $10675.00 NZ | 15% off | $9073.75 NZ | $1601.25 NZ |
AUSTRALIA | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
OLAY-00 | 1 TOKEN | $237.50 AUS | $237.50 AUS | 15% off | $201.88 AUS | $35.63 AUS |
OLAY-01 | 5 TOKENS | $215.00 AUS | $1075.00 AUS | 15% off | $913.75 AUS | $161.25 AUS |
OLAY-02 | 10 TOKENS | $207.50 AUS | $2075.00 AUS | 15% off | $1763.75 AUS | $311.25 AUS |
OLAY-04 | 25 TOKENS | $202.00 AUS | $5050.00 AUS | 15% off | $4292.50 AUS | $757.50 AUS |
OLAY-05 | 50 TOKENS | $191.00 AUS | $9550.00 AUS | 15% off | $8117.50 AUS | $1432.50 AUS |
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