Aproveite nossa oferta por tempo limitado para designs de pinças de freio.
A nossa equipa técnica mantém uma biblioteca de perfis de pinça que é atualizada continuamente com os modelos mais recentes, e com veículos de pós-produção, mediante solicitação. Os desenhos CAD permitem que os fabricantes de rodas revisem o design das rodas e determinem como as rodas podem ser modificadas para acomodar a folga da pinça que se adapte a uma ampla gama de veículos.
Por favor, veja abaixo nossos preços por tempo limitado
(outras moedas disponíveis - contacte-nos para mais informações)
Os desenhos CAD da pinça ajudam você a revisar o projeto do aro e determinar como os aros podem ser modificados para acomodar a folga da pinça para instalação em um veículo específico. Novo desenho de calibrador já está disponível. Para solicitar estes ou uma lista completa de nossos desenhos de paquímetros, clique nos links abaixo para solicitar através de nosso site.
Nossos desenhos de paquímetros 3D altamente precisos já estão disponíveis. Essas digitalizações detalhadas fornecem uma compreensão precisa de quaisquer modificações necessárias para maximizar o apelo de mercado do seu aro quando você sobrepõe os desenhos do aro na digitalização do calibrador 3D.
Se não tivermos a pinça escolhida disponível, temos uma lista de veículos alternativos que estão disponíveis para o nosso serviço de sobreposição de pinças. Para verificar o encaixe do aro em um veículo, o desenho do aro pode ser sobreposto com esses perfis de pinça alternativos para mostrar o encaixe do aro. Caso o aro não sirva, podemos analisar e aconselhar as alterações necessárias. Você pode então fazer os ajustes necessários para garantir a montagem do aro, expandir a comercialização e minimizar os retornos antes do início da produção.
Por favor, use o código
BFCALDIS2023 para receber preços com desconto conforme abaixo:
USA | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | $210.00 | $210.00 | 15% off | $178.50 | $31.50 |
CAL-PY (Previous Year) | Single Request | $195.00 | $195.00 | 15% off | $165.75 | $29.25 |
CAL-01 | 5 PCS | $180.00 | $900.00 | 15% off | $765.00 | $135.00 |
CAL-02 | 10 PCS | $175.00 | $1750.00 | 15% off | $1487.50 | $262.50 |
CAL-03 | 15 PCS | $168.33 | $2525.00 | 15% off | $2146.25 | $378.75 |
CAL-04 | 25 PCS | $160.60 | $4015.00 | 15% off | $3142.75 | £602.25 |
CAL-05 | 50 PCS | $148.50 | $7425.00 | 15% off | $6311.25 | $1113.75 |
UK | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | £145.00 | £145.00 | 15% off | £123.25 | £21.75 |
CAL-PY (Previous Year) | Single Request | £135.00 | £135.00 | 15% off | £114.75 | £20.25 |
CAL-01 | 5 PCS | £121.00 | £605.00 | 15% off | £514.25 | £90.75 |
CAL-02 | 10 PCS | £115.50 | £1155.00 | 15% off | £981.75 | £173.25 |
CAL-03 | 15 PCS | £112.00 | £1680.00 | 15% off | £1428.00 | £252.00 |
CAL-04 | 25 PCS | £110.00 | £2750.00 | 15% off | £2337.50 | £412.50 |
CAL-05 | 50 PCS | £101.00 | £5050.00 | 15% off | £4292.50 | £757.50 |
EUROPE | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | €170.00 | €170.00 | 15% off | €145.50 | €25.50 |
CAL-PY (Previous Year) | Single Request | €160.00 | €160.00 | 15% off | €136.00 | €24.00 |
CAL-01 | 5 PCS | €145.00 | €725.00 | 15% off | €616.25 | €108.75 |
CAL-02 | 10 PCS | €140.00 | €1400.00 | 15% off | €1190.00 | €210.00 |
CAL-03 | 15 PCS | €137.00 | €2055.00 | 15% off | €1746.75 | €308.25 |
CAL-04 | 25 PCS | €133.00 | €3325.00 | 15% off | £2826.25 | €498.75 |
CAL-05 | 50 PCS | €127.00 | €6350.00 | 15% off | €5397.50 | €952.50 |
NEW ZEALAND | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | $280.00 NZ | $280.00 NZ | 15% off | $238.00 NZ | $42.00 NZ |
CAL-PY (Previous Year) | Single Request | $260.00 NZ | $260.00 NZ | 15% off | $221.00 NZ | $39.00 NZ |
CAL-01 | 5 PCS | $245.00 NZ | $1225.00 NZ | 15% off | $1041.25 NZ | $183.75 NZ |
CAL-02 | 10 PCS | $230.00 NZ | $2300.00 NZ | 15% off | $1995.00 NZ | $345.00 NZ |
CAL-03 | 15 PCS | $227.00 NZ | $3405.00 NZ | 15% off | $2894.25 NZ | $510.75 NZ |
CAL-04 | 25 PCS | $225.00 NZ | $5625.00 NZ | 15% off | $4781.25 NZ | $843.75 NZ |
CAL-05 | 50 PCS | $213.50 NZ | $10625.00 | 15% off | $9073.75 NZ | $1601.25 NZ |
AUSTRALIA | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | $250.00 AUS | $250.00 AUS | 15% off | $212.50 AUS | $37.50 AUS |
CAL-PY (Previous Year) | Single Request | $237.50 AUS | $237.50 AUS | 15% off | $201.88 AUS | $35.63 AUS |
CAL-01 | 5 PCS | $215.00 AUS | $1075.00 AUS | 15% off | $913.75 AUS | $161.25 AUS |
CAL-02 | 10 PCS | $207.50 AUS | $2075.00 AUS | 15% off | $176.75 AUS | $311.25 AUS |
CAL-03 | 15 PCS | $205.00 AUS | $3075.00 AUS | 15% off | $2613.75 AUS | $461.25 AUS |
CAL-04 | 25 PCS | $202.00 AUS | $5050.00 AUS | 15% off | $4292.50 AUS | $757.50 AUS |
CAL-05 | 50 PCS | $191.00 AUS | $9550.00 AUS | 15% off | $8,117.50 AUS | $1432.50 AUS |
Por favor, use o código
BFCALDIS2023 para receber preços com desconto conforme abaixo:
USA | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL3D-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | $230.00 | $250.00 | 15% off | $212.50 | $37.50 |
CAL3D-05 | 5 PCS | $214.00 | $1070.00 | 15% off | $909.50 | $160.50 |
CAL3D-10 | 10 PCS | $208.00 | $2080.00 | 15% off | $1768.00 | $312.00 |
CAL3D-15 | 15 PCS | $200.00 | $3000.00 | 15% off | $2550.00 | $450.00 |
CAL3D-25 | 25 PCS | $191.00 | $4775.00 | 15% off | $4058.75 | $716.25 |
CAL3D-50 | 50 PCS | $177.00 | $8850.00 | 15% off | $7522.50 | £1327.50 |
UK | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL3D-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | £185.00 | £185.00 | 15% off | £157.25 | £27.75 |
CAL3D-05 | 5 PCS | £159.00 | £795.00 | 15% off | £675.75 | £119.25 |
CAL3D-10 | 10 PCS | £154.00 | £1540.00 | 15% off | £1309.25 | £231.00 |
CAL3D-15 | 15 PCS | £147.00 | £2205.00 | 15% off | £1874.25 | £330.75 |
CAL3D-25 | 25 PCS | £140.00 | £3500.00 | 15% off | £2975.00 | £525.00 |
CAL3D-50 | 50 PCS | £129.00 | £6450.00 | 15% off | £5482.50 | £967.50 |
EUROPE | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL3D-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | €210.00 | €210.00 | 15% off | €178.50 | €31.50 |
CAL3D-05 | 5 PCS | €180.60 | €903.00 | 15% off | €767.55 | €135.45 |
CAL3D-10 | 10 PCS | €175.24 | €1752.00 | 15% off | €1489.54 | €262.46 |
CAL3D-15 | 15 PCS | €167.28 | €2509.00 | 15% off | €2132.82 | €376.18 |
CAL3D-25 | 25 PCS | €159.31 | €3982.00 | 15% off | €3385.34 | €596.66 |
CAL3D-50 | 50 PCS | €146.28 | €7314.00 | 15% off | £6216.90 | €1097.10 |
Other currencies are available with the same discount percentages, please contact us to discuss your requirements by clicking on the button below:
NEW ZEALAND | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL3D-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | $320.00 NZ | $320.00 NZ | 15% off | $272.00 NZ | $48.00 NZ |
CAL3D-05 | 5 PCS | $275.20 NZ | $1376.00 NZ | 15% off | $1169.60 NZ | $206.40 NZ |
CAL3D-10 | 10 PCS | $267.03 NZ | $2670.00 NZ | 15% off | $2269.76 NZ | $400.25 NZ |
CAL3D-15 | 15 PCS | $254.90 NZ | $3823.00 NZ | 15% off | $3249.98 NZ | $573.03 NZ |
CAL3D-25 | 25 PCS | $242.76 NZ | $6069.00 NZ | 15% off | $5158.65 NZ | $910.35 NZ |
CAL3D-50 | 50 PCS | $222.90 NZ | $11145.00 NZ | 15% off | $9473.25 NZ | $1671.75 NZ |
AUSTRALIA | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
CAL3D-CY (Current Year) | Single Request | $290.00 AUS | $290.00 AUS | 15% off | $246.50 AUS | $43.50 AUS |
CAL3D-05 | 5 PCS | $249.40 AUS | $1247.00 AUS | 15% off | $1059.95 AUS | $187.05 AUS |
CAL3D-10 | 10 PCS | $242.00 AUS | $2420.00 AUS | 15% off | $2057.00 AUS | $363.00 AUS |
CAL3D-15 | 15 PCS | $231.00 AUS | $3465.00 AUS | 15% off | $2945.25 AUS | $519.75 AUS |
CAL3D-25 | 25 PCS | $220.00 AUS | $5500.00 AUS | 15% off | $4675.00 AUS | $825.00 AUS |
CAL3D-50 | 50 PCS | $202.00 AUS | $10100.00 AUS | 15% off | $8585.00 AUS | $1515.00 AUS |
Por favor, use o código
BFCALDIS2023 para receber preços com desconto conforme abaixo:
USA | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
OLAY-00 | Single Request | $195.00 | $195.50 | 15% off | $165.75 | $29.25 |
OLAY-01 | 5 PCS | $180.00 | $900.00 | 15% off | $765.00 | $135.00 |
OLAY-02 | 10 PCS | $175.00 | $1750.00 | 15% off | $1487.50 | $262.50 |
OLAY-03 | 15 PCS | $168.33 | $2524.95 | 15% off | $2146.21 | $378.74 |
OLAY-04 | 25 PCS | $160.60 | $4015.00 | 15% off | $3412.75 | $602.25 |
OLAY-05 | 50 PCS | $148.50 | $7425.00 | 15% off | $6311.25 | £1113.75 |
UK | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
OLAY-00 | Single Request | £135.00 | £135.00 | 15% off | £114.75 | £20.25 |
OLAY-01 | 5 PCS | £12100 | £605.00 | 15% off | £514.25 | £90.75 |
OLAY-02 | 10 PCS | £115.50 | £1155.00 | 15% off | £981.75 | £173.25 |
OLAY-04 | 25 PCS | £110.00 | £2750.00 | 15% off | £2337.50 | £412.50 |
OLAY-05 | 50 PCS | £101.00 | £5050.00 | 15% off | £4292.50 | £757.50 |
EUROPE | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
OLAY-00 | Single Request | €160.00 | €160.00 | 15% off | €136.00 | €24.00 |
OLAY-01 | 5 PCS | €145.00 | €725.00 | 15% off | €616.25 | €108.75 |
OLAY-02 | 10 PCS | €140.00 | €1400.00 | 15% off | €1190.00 | €210.00 |
OLAY-04 | 25 PCS | €133.00 | €3325.00 | 15% off | €2826.25 | €498.75 |
CAL-05 | 50 PCS | €127.00 | €6350.00 | 15% off | €5397.50 | €952.50 |
Other currencies are available with the same discount percentages, please contact us to discuss your requirements by clicking on the button below:
NEW ZEALAND | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
OLAY-00 | Single Request | $260.00 NZ | $260.00 NZ | 15% off | $221.00 NZ | $39.00 NZ |
OLAY-01 | 5 PCS | $245.00 NZ | $1225.00 NZ | 15% off | $1041.25 NZ | $183.75 NZ |
OLAY-02 | 10 PCS | $230.00 NZ | $2300.00 NZ | 15% off | $1995.00 NZ | $345.00 NZ |
OLAY-04 | 25 PCS | $225.00 NZ | $5625.00 NZ | 15% off | $4781.25 NZ | $843.75 NZ |
OLAY-05 | 50 PCS | $213.50 NZ | $10675.00 NZ | 15% off | $9073.75 NZ | $1601.25 NZ |
AUSTRALIA | Package | Price (Per item) | Package Price | Promotion | Discount Package Price | Saving |
OLAY-00 | 1 TOKEN | $237.50 AUS | $237.50 AUS | 15% off | $201.88 AUS | $35.63 AUS |
OLAY-01 | 5 TOKENS | $215.00 AUS | $1075.00 AUS | 15% off | $913.75 AUS | $161.25 AUS |
OLAY-02 | 10 TOKENS | $207.50 AUS | $2075.00 AUS | 15% off | $1763.75 AUS | $311.25 AUS |
OLAY-04 | 25 TOKENS | $202.00 AUS | $5050.00 AUS | 15% off | $4292.50 AUS | $757.50 AUS |
OLAY-05 | 50 TOKENS | $191.00 AUS | $9550.00 AUS | 15% off | $8117.50 AUS | $1432.50 AUS |
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