O Grupo Bosch é um líder mundial no fornecimento de tecnologia e serviços. A empresa emprega aproximadamente 420 mil colaboradores em todo o mundo (posição de 31.12.2022). De acordo com dados preliminares, a empresa gerou vendas de 88,4 bilhões de euros em 2022. As operações do Grupo estão divididas em quatro setores de negócio: Soluções para Mobilidade, Tecnologia Industrial, Bens de Consumo e Energia e Tecnologia Predial.
Como uma empresa líder em IoT, a Bosch oferece soluções inovadoras para casas inteligentes, Indústria 4.0 e mobilidade conectada. A empresa busca por uma mobilidade sustentável, segura e fascinante e utiliza sua expertise em sensores, software e serviços, assim como sua própria nuvem de IoT para oferecer aos seus consumidores conectados múltiplas soluções a partir de uma única fonte. A Bosch busca constantemente parceiros que possam nos apoiar no desenvolvimento de soluções que criem uma melhor experiência no dia a dia da nossa rede de oficinas.
A Drive Right Data, nosso parceiro para dados do veículo via busca por placa nos prove informações importantes trazendo eficiência na recepção e correta identificação de veículos.
Bosch Automotive Aftermarket Latin America
We needed to create uniformity across our partners (Customers, Suppliers and Internal) in the way we handled tyre replacement across our pan-European fleet. Key to this was understanding the correct tyre for each vehicle.
The information needed to be broken down by brand, the correct safety and technical specification, tyre model, and tread pattern. With this, we would be able to understand, create and assert a standardised list of tyre brands and tread patterns, within an accurately priced framework of charges, which would enable the business to understand running costs more effectively in terms of tyre replacement, be able to apply the supplier rebates on a standardized way, produce more accurate reporting (to validate and collect bonuses, follow up the contract consumption and prepare the future tenders) and allow the business to anticipate expenditure, and efficiently control costs. DriveRightData were able to facilitate this.
Quality and accuracy of the master data was one of the most critical components to achieve our objectives, it was therefore essential to find a partner that could meet this high standard. Following our research from going into the market and speaking with potential suppliers, DriveRightData met all our requirements, and demonstrated that they were able to deliver a bespoke solution to meet our precise needs, they were reactive and efficient,
The solution is now in place and working very well, we are extremely happy with the LeasePlan, DriveRightData partnership.
DriverightData has allowed us to provide our customers with a seamless user experience for our digital touchpoints, providing a high degree of accuracy with registration-to-tyre-size search. Consumers rightly expect not to have to ‘jump through hoops’ to find what they need, and that’s what partners like DriverightData help us deliver.
We moved our data provision to DriveRightData in 2020 as they offer a far richer and more granular level of data than our previous provider. Not only that but DriveRightData have enabled us to expand our services into other European territories.
DriveRightData have been able to cope with our peaks in demand, in some cases 50% higher than average, but growing month on month.
We find the DriveRightData team are easy to work with and, importantly, very responsive to any support issues we raise. As a consequence, we can be more confident and can provide better service levels to our own customers.
Working with DriveRightData has enabled Silkmoth to provide a far superior service to its clients and helped it to attract and convert more prospective customers whilst playing a part in increasing our revenue.
DriveRightData and CDK Global both have a history of creating great customer experiences and bringing together our programming expertise and quality data allows us to deliver extraordinary innovation.
Senior Director of Technology
AMN Wheels products are manufactured in Asia and distributed across Canada. We need continuously updated fitments for the latest Vehicles in the Canadian Market and to ensure fitment mapping accuracy is as close to 100% as possible.
We chose DriveRightData for its responsive customer support and willingness to tailor fitment solutions, this allowed us to provide our clients with reliable fitment mappings of our products to the latest Canadian vehicles.
DriveRightData is an excellent fitment provider who strives to understand fitment needs before tailoring a solution that works.
Usando equipamento original e dados de substituição de pneus, a DriveRightData desenvolveu um guia de medidas, especificações e montagem impresso para os produtos Goodyear. Esses dados foram entregues em duas formas, uma versão encadernada para ponto de venda e uma versão de de bolso com os dados e com guia de pressão.
A DriveRightData foi procurada pela Dunlop para substituir um banco de dados de medidas, especificações e montagem por um banco de dados em evolução de equipamento original e banco de dados de substituição de pneus. Após racionalizar o requisito do pneu e combinar o equipamento original da Dunlop com a classificação do veículo, definimos regras para pneus de substituição em geral. Essa estrutura de dados completada foi entregue à agência web da Dunlop para desenvolvimento e implantação da interface do usuário. O banco de dados usa o TyreFit para gerenciar as características do EO (equipamento original) e caracteristicas da base de veiculos para combinar com os pneus de reposição. Esses dados são atualizados regularmente e entregues automaticamente à agência da web.
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